1 uniform channel
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > uniform channel
2 uniform channel
3 uniform channel
1) Телекоммуникации: однородный канал2) Экология: русло постоянного сечения3) Общая лексика: русло с постоянным по длине сечением -
4 uniform channel
5 uniform channel
6 uniform channel
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > uniform channel
7 uniform channel
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > uniform channel
8 uniform-channel field-effect transistor
Электроника: полевой транзистор с однородным каналомУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > uniform-channel field-effect transistor
9 uniform-channel FET
English-Russian electronics dictionary > uniform-channel FET
10 uniform-channel FET
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > uniform-channel FET
11 uniform-channel field-effect transistor
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > uniform-channel field-effect transistor
12 channel
канал; канал управления; канал связи; информационный канал; шлейф ( осциллографа) ; швеллер; лётная полоса гидроаэродрома; направлять ( информацию) по какому-л. каналу -
13 channel
1. русло; 2. канал; 3. проток,пролив— dead river channel— erodible bed channel -
14 uniform flow in a straight channel of constant cross-section
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > uniform flow in a straight channel of constant cross-section
15 FET
= field-effect transistorполевой транзистор, ПТ- barrier-gate FET
- bi-FET
- bulk FET
- bulk-channel FET
- channel-injection FET
- collector FET
- common-drain FET
- common-gate FET
- common-source FET
- depletion mode FET
- double-gate FET
- electron-conducting FET
- enhancement mode FET
- epitaxial-diffused FET
- ferroelectric FET
- floating-gate FET
- gallium-arsenide FET
- gallium-nitride FET
- grounded-drain FET
- grounded-gate FET
- grounded-source FET
- heterojunction FET
- heterojunction-gate FET
- hole-conducting FET
- induced-channel FET
- infrared metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- insulated-gate FET
- internal-channel FET
- junction FET
- junction-gate FET
- metal-gate FET
- metal-insulator-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-silicon FET
- metal-Schottky FET
- microwave FET
- modulation doped FET
- monolithic FET
- multichannel FET
- multilayer-gate FET
- n-channel FET
- p-channel FET
- photoconductive FET
- photosensitive FET
- pinched-base FET
- planar FET
- p-n-junction FET
- punch-through FET
- remote-cutoff FET
- resonant-gate FET
- Schottky-barrier FET
- Schottky-gate FET
- self-aligned gate FET
- short-channel FET
- short-gate FET
- single-channel FET
- submicron gate FET
- surface-channel FET
- two-gate FET
- two-junction FET
- uniform-channel FET
- vertical FET -
16 FET
сокр. от field-effect transistorполевой транзистор, ПТ- barrier-gate FET- bi-FET- bulk FET- bulk-channel FET
- channel-injection FET
- collector FET
- common-drain FET
- common-gate FET
- common-source FET
- depletion mode FET
- double-gate FET
- electron-conducting FET
- enhancement mode FET
- epitaxial-diffused FET
- ferroelectric FET
- floating-gate FET
- gallium-arsenide FET
- gallium-nitride FET
- grounded-drain FET
- grounded-gate FET
- grounded-source FET
- heterojunction FET
- heterojunction-gate FET
- hole-conducting FET
- induced-channel FET
- infrared metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- insulated-gate FET
- internal-channel FET
- junction FET
- junction-gate FET
- metal-gate FET
- metal-insulator-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
- metal-oxide-silicon FET
- metal-Schottky FET
- microwave FET
- modulation doped FET
- monolithic FET
- multichannel FET
- multilayer-gate FET
- n-channel FET
- p-channel FET
- photoconductive FET
- photosensitive FET
- pinched-base FET
- planar FET
- p-n-junction FET
- punch-through FET
- remote-cutoff FET
- resonant-gate FET
- Schottky-barrier FET
- Schottky-gate FET
- self-aligned gate FET
- short-channel FET
- short-gate FET
- single-channel FET
- submicron gate FET
- surface-channel FET
- two-gate FET
- two-junction FET
- uniform-channel FET
- vertical FETThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > FET
17 flow
1) расход (жидкости, газа), скорость воды, вытекаемой из источника ( выражается в единицах объёма в единицу времени)2) поток; струя; течение; расплыв ( бетонной смеси); текучесть4) трещина; раковина (в материале и т. п.)5) деформация, коробление6) течь, протекать•- flow of fluid - flow of heat - flow of light - flow of traffic - annual flow - capillary flow - continuous flow - coolant flow - daily water flow - design water flow - disturbed flow - drainage flow - dry weather flow - fire flow - filter fluid flow - free flow - freight flow - frozen flow - gravity flow - heat flow - hydraulic flow - infiltration flow - inverse flow - leak flow - leakage flow - main flow - major flow - metered flow - natural flow - nonuniform flow - nozzle flow - open-channel flow - pipe flow - plastic flow - pressure flow - recreational flows - reduced flow - reflux flow - residual flow - return flow - reverse flow - separated flow - soil flow - specific heat flow - steady flow - storm flow - streaming flow - surface flow - surplus flow - tortuous flow - traffic flow - turbulent flow - uniform flow - unrestricted flow - vertical flow - viscous flow - volume flow - weir flow - yielding flowto flow off — смываться, стекать
* * *1. поток, течение; сток2. расход3. подвижность ( бетонной смеси); пластическое течение ( материала)- air flow
- air freight flow
- air transport flow
- annual flow
- average flow
- average annual flow
- base flow
- bimodal flow
- channel flow
- concentrated flow
- concurrent flow
- controlled flow
- convective flow
- critical flow
- design flow
- direct flow
- displacement flow
- diversion flow
- drainage flow
- drowned flow
- dry weather flow
- elastic flow
- estimated flow
- fire flow
- flood flow
- free flow
- free-surface flow
- ground-water flow
- heat flow
- hypercritical flow
- incident flow
- laminar flow
- low-water flow
- low flow
- mass flow
- multiple retrogressive flow
- natural flow
- nonstationary flow
- nonuniform flow
- normal flow
- open-channel flow
- overland flow
- peak traffic flow
- pedestrian flow
- pipe flow
- plastic flow
- pulsating flow
- regulated flow
- return flow
- reverse flow
- river flow
- seepage flow
- sheet flow
- shooting flow
- skin flow
- space air flow
- specific heat flow
- straight flow
- streaming flow
- subcritical flow
- subsurface flow
- swirling flow
- temperature-driven flow
- tortuous flow
- tranquil flow
- transient heat flow
- transition flow
- turbulent flow
- two-phase flow
- uniform flow
- unit flow
- unsteady flow
- viscous flow
- volume flow
- vortex flow
- wastewater flow -
18 FET
сокр. от field-effect transistor-
adjustable threshold FET
back-gated FET
barrier-gate FET
bipolar junction FET
bipolar FET
bipolar-diffused FET
buried-channel FET
charge storage junction gate FET
charge-coupled FET
compound FET
conductivity modulated FET
conductor-insulator-semiconductor FET
depletion mode FET
dual-gate FET
enhancement mode FET
ferroelectric FET
floating-gate FET
gallium-arsenide FET
heterojunction-gate FET
heterojunction FET
insulated-gate FET
internal-channel FET
junction-gate FET
junction FET
lateral FET
metallized semiconductor FET
metal semiconductor FET
metal-ferroelectric semiconductor FET
metal-gate FET
metal-insulator-semiconductor FET
metal-oxide-semiconductor FET
microwave FET
multichannel FET
n-channel FET
normally-off FET
normally-on FET
optical FET
p-channel FET
pinched-base FET
pinched FET
planar FET
polysilicon FET
poly FET
power FET
resistive-insulated-gate FET
Schottky-gate FET
self-aligned gate FET
self-aligned FET
short channel FET
single-channel FET
surface-channel FET
surface FET
uniform FET
unipolar FET
V-channel FET
vertical-channel FET
vertical FET
vertical-structure FET
V-groove FET -
19 transistor
= tr, = trs, = xstr1) транзистор || транзисторный•- actual transistor
- AD-transistor
- adaptive transistor
- aiding-field transistor
- all-epitaxial transistor
- all-implanted transistor
- all-metal spin transistor
- alloy transistor
- alloy-diffused transistor
- alloyed-collector transistor
- alloyed-emitter epitaxial-base transistor
- alloy-junction transistor
- alloy mesa transistor
- alloy-type transistor
- AM transistor
- analog transistor
- annular transistor
- avalanche transistor
- ballistic heterojunction bipolar transistor
- band-guard transistor
- bead transistor
- beam-lead transistor
- beam-of-light transistor
- beam-of-light heterojunction transistor
- beveled transistor
- bidirectional transistor
- bipolar transistor
- bipolar insulated-gate field-effect transistor
- bipolar junction transistor
- bipolar-junction field-effect transistor
- bonded-barrier transistor
- built-in-field transistor
- carrier diffusion-type transistor
- carrier-dritt-type transistor
- cartridge-type transistor
- charge-storage transistor
- chip transistor
- chopper transistor
- clamped transistor
- CMOS transistors
- coaxial transistor
- comma transistor
- common-base transistor
- common-collector transistor
- common-emitter transistor
- complementary transistors
- complementary MOS transistors
- complementary-symmetry MOS transistors
- complementary unijunction transistors
- composite transistor
- compound transistors
- compound-connected transistors
- conductivity-modulation transistor
- control transistor
- coplanar-electrode transistor
- D-transistor
- DA-transistor
- Darlington transistor
- Darlington-connected transistor
- DDE transistor
- DDP transistor
- deep-depletion transistor
- depletion-layer transistor
- depletion metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- depletion-mode metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- depletion-type thin-film insulated-gate transistor
- diffused transistor
- diffused-alloy transistor
- diffused-base transistor
- diffused-collector transistor
- diffused-emitter transistor
- diffused-emitter-base transistor
- diffused-emitter-collector transistor
- diffused-emitter epitaxial-base transistor
- diffused-junction transistor
- diffused mesa transistor
- diffused planar transistor
- diffusion transistor
- diode-connected transistor
- distributed transistor
- D-MOS transistor
- dot-mesa transistor
- double-base transistor
- double-diffused transistor
- double-diffused epitaxial transistor
- double-diffused epitaxial mesa transistor
- double-diffused MOS transistor
- double-diffused planar transistor
- double-doped transistor
- double-emitter transistor
- double-ended transistor
- double-implanted metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- drift transistor
- drift-alloy transistor
- drift-field transistor
- dual-emitter transistor
- dual-gate field-effect transistor
- dual matched transistor
- duet transistor
- electrochemical junction transistor
- electrooptical transistor
- EM transistor
- emitter grid transistor
- enhancement-mode MOS transistor
- epitaxial transistor
- epitaxial-base transistor
- epitaxial-diffused transistor
- epitaxial-diffused junction transistor
- epitaxial-growth mesa transistor
- evaporated transistor
- exponentially-graded drift transistor
- ferroelectric field-effect transistor
- field transistor
- field-controlled transistor
- field-effect transistor
- field-effect tetrode transistor
- filamentary transistor
- five-electrode transistor
- five-layer transistor
- floating-gate avalanche-injection MOS transistor
- floating Si-gate tunnel-injection MIS transistor
- four-electrode transistor
- four-layer transistor
- four-region transistor
- four-terminal field-effect transistor
- FTMIS transistor
- full-adder transistor
- fully ion-implanted transistor
- fused transistor
- fused-contact transistor
- fused-impurity transistor
- fused-junction transistor
- germanium transistor
- graded-base transistor
- graded-junction transistor
- ground-base transistor
- grounded-base transistor
- ground-collector transistor
- grounded-collector transistor
- ground-emitter transistor
- grounded-emitter transistor
- grown transistor
- grown-diffused transistor
- grown-junction transistor
- heterojunction transistor
- heterojunction bipolar transistor
- heterostructure bipolar transistor
- heterostructure bipolar transistor with near ballistic operation
- high-alpha transistor
- high-current transistor
- high-electron-mobility transistor
- higher-ambient transistor
- high-frequency transistor
- high-gain transistor
- high-voltage transistor
- hole-conducting field-effect transistor
- hometaxial-base transistor
- homogeneous-base transistor
- homogeneously doped transistor
- homojunction transistor
- homojunction bipolar transistor
- hook transistor
- hook-collector transistor
- hot-electron transistor
- insulated-gate field-effect transistor
- integrated transistor
- integrated-circuit transistor
- interdigital transistor
- intrinsic transistor
- intrinsic-barrier transistor
- intrinsic-junction transistor
- intrinsic-region transistor
- inverse transistor
- inversely operated transistor
- inversion-channel transistor
- inverted transistor
- inverted-emitter transistor
- inverter transistor
- ion-implanted transistor
- ion-selective transistor
- ion-sensitive transistor
- ion-sensitive field-effect transistor
- isolated transistor
- junction transistor
- junction field-effect transistor
- junction-gate field-effect transistor
- laminar transistor
- laminated overlay transistor
- large-area transistor
- latching transistor
- lateral transistor
- layer-type transistor
- light-activated transistor
- light-activated programmable unijunction transistor
- logic transistor
- low-power transistor
- low-voltage transistor
- majority-carrier transistor
- meltback transistor
- melt-quench transistor
- memory transistor
- mesa transistor
- mesh transistor
- mesh-emitter transistor
- metal-base transistor
- metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor transistor
- metal-gate transistor
- metal-insulator-piezoelectric semiconductor-transistor
- metal-insulator-semiconductor transistor
- metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- metal-oxide-silicon transistor
- metal-Schottky gate field-effect transistor
- metal-silicon nitride-semiconductor field-effect transistor
- microalloy transistor
- microalloy diffused transistor
- microalloy diffused-base transistor
- microcircuit transistor
- micro disk transistor
- microlayer transistor
- micropower transistor
- microwave transistor
- minority-carrier injection transistor
- MIPS transistor
- MIS transistor
- MNOS transistor
- modulation-doped field-effect transistor
- monolithic transistor
- monolithic transistor with buried layer
- MOS transistor
- mosaic transistor
- MOS insulated-gate transistor
- multichannel field-effect transistor
- multiple-emitter transistor
- multiple-gate MOS transistor
- nanotube transistor
- narrow-base transistor
- narrow-channel transistor
- n-channel MNS transistor
- n-channel MOS transistor
- n+-n-n+ transistor
- nondiffused transistor
- nondiffused-base transistor
- nonuniform-base transistor
- n-p-i-n transistor
- n-p-i-p transistor
- n-p-n transistor
- n-p-n-p transistor
- n-p-v-n transistor
- n-v-n transistor
- off transistor
- on transistor
- one-electron transistor
- one-particle transistor
- optical transistor
- optoelectronic transistor
- out-diffused transistor
- overlay transistor
- packaged transistor
- parasitic transistor
- passivated transistor
- p-channel MNS transistor
- p-channel MOS transistor
- Pd-gate MOS transistor
- PED transistor
- pentode transistor
- pentode field-effect transistor
- permeable-base transistor
- photon-coupled transistor
- piezojunction transistor
- pinched-base transistor
- planar transistor
- planar epitaxial transistor
- planar-junction field-effect transistor
- planar multichannel field-effect transistor
- plastic transistor
- p-n hook transistor
- point transistor
- point-contact transistor
- point-junction transistor
- point-to-point transistor
- poly-gate transistor
- polymer transistor
- polymer-based transistor
- polysilicon field-effect transistor
- post-alloy-diffused transistor
- power transistor
- precision-alloy transistor
- programmable unijunction transistor
- proton enhanced diffusion transistor
- pull-up transistor
- push-pull transistor
- pwr transistor
- quiet transistor
- radiation damage-resistant transistor
- radio-frequency transistor
- rate-grown transistor
- reactance transistor
- remote-base transistor
- resonant-gate transistor
- retarding-field transistor
- ring transistor
- ring-base transistor
- saturated transistor
- SB transistor
- Schottky-barrier-collector transistor
- Schottky-barrier isolated-gate field-effect transistor
- SD transistor
- sealed junction transistor
- second-breakdown-resistant transistor
- selectively doped heterojunction transistor
- self-aligned double-diffused lateral transistor
- self-aligned gate field-effect transistor
- semiconductor-metal-semiconductor transistor
- short-wave transistor
- Si transistor
- silicon transistor
- silicon alloy diffused transistor
- silicon epitaxial planar transistor
- single-crystal thin-film transistor
- single-diffused transistor
- single-drift transistor
- small outline transistor
- SMS transistor
- snowflake transistor
- solid-circuit transistor
- space-charge-limited transistor
- stacked transistors
- staggered-electrode thin-film transistor
- star transistor
- static-induction transistor
- strain-sensitive transistor
- strip transistor
- stripe-base transistor
- substrate transistor
- surface-alloy transistor
- surface-barrier transistor
- surface charge transistor
- surface-controlled avalanche transistor
- surface-passivated transistor
- SW transistor
- switching transistor
- switching-type transistor
- symmetrical transistor
- tab transistor
- tandem transistor
- tetrode transistor
- thin-base transistor
- thin-base-layer transistor
- thin-film transistor
- thin-film-type field-effect transistor
- three-junction transistor
- thyratron transistor
- transit-time transistor
- traveling-wave transistor
- TRIM transistor
- tri-mask transistor
- triode transistor
- triple-base transistor
- triple-diffused transistor
- tunnel transistor
- two-dimensional electron gas field-effect transistor
- uniform-base transistor
- unijunction transistor
- unipolar transistor
- unipolar surface transistor
- vacuum-deposited transistor
- vertical transistor
- vertical electron transistor
- vertical field-effect transistor
- V-MOS transistor
- wafer transistor
- wide-band-gap heterojunction transistor
- wide-band-gap emitter heterojunction transistor
- wide-base transistor -
20 flow
1. сток; расход2. течение; ток; потокlong-term average annual flow — средний многолетний сток, норма стока
— jet flow— low flow— mud flow
См. также в других словарях:
Channel Tunnel — Map of the Channel Tunnel Overview Location English Channel (Strait of Dover) Coordinates Folkestone … Wikipedia
Channel Airways — IATA CW ICAO Callsign Founded 1946 Cease … Wikipedia
Channel (digital image) — Color digital images are made of pixels, and pixels are made of combinations of primary colors. A channel in this context is the grayscale image of the same size as a color image, made of just one of these primary colors. For instance, an image… … Wikipedia
Reverse Short Channel Effect — The reverse short channel effect is a secondary effect describing the reduction in threshold voltage Vth in MOSFETs with non uniformly doped channel regions as the gate length increases. Since drive current is primarily determined by Vth, longer… … Wikipedia
Open channel flow — Open Channel Flow, a branch of Hydraulics, is a type of liquid flow within a conduit with a free surface, known as a channel. The other type of flow within a conduit is pipe flow. These two types of flow are similar in many ways, but differ in… … Wikipedia
English Channel — an arm of the Atlantic between S England and N France, connected with the North Sea by the Strait of Dover. 350 mi. (565 km) long; 20 100 mi. (32 160 km) wide. * * * or the Channel French La Manche ( The Sleeve ) Strait between southern England… … Universalium
Multi-channel order management — An Order Management System for businesses, such as retailers, that operate multiple sales channels, including:* Storefront sales * Web sales * Telephone/catalogue sales * KiosksThe goal of a multi channel order management system is to provide a… … Wikipedia
Disney Channel — For the Disney Channel in other countries, see Disney Channel (international). Disney Channel Launched April 18, 1983 Owned by Disney ABC Television Group (The Walt Disney Company … Wikipedia
Noisy-channel coding theorem — In information theory, the noisy channel coding theorem (sometimes Shannon s theorem), establishes that for any given degree of noise contamination of a communication channel, it is possible to communicate discrete data (digital information)… … Wikipedia
Z Channel — Infobox Network network name = Z Channel network headquarters = Los Angeles, California network type = Pay television network available = United States owner = launch date = 1974 key people = Jerry Harvey past names = website = The Z Channel was… … Wikipedia
Cross Channel — For the high voltage direct current power cable under the English Channel, see HVDC Cross Channel. Cross Channel Developer(s) Flying Shine Publisher(s) Windows Flying Shine PlayStation 2 KID PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360 … Wikipedia